I heart my Label Maker

So, I had recently saw a tweet from @LOBosworth and wanted to write a brief blog on my love for label makers. I've been using this gadget since my college days (hint it was before 2000). I know...I'm totally disclosing my age here. Anyways, over the years I've become creative with using this nifty tool.

Here are a few tips and ideas of how I've used my label maker:
1-Filing labels
2-Labeling bottles (typically travel 3oz bottles)
3-Making gift tags / baskets
4-zip locks
5-etc... ( you get the point)

Now a days you can get a really nice sophisticated looking label maker for under $30.00. The one thing you'll need to know is it does take batteries and does require label sticker refills. Good news is you very rarely have to refill. I've used mine many times and have only had to refill once.

So, if you are looking for a cool gadget to buy for yourself or even are thinking of gift ideas. Think of a label maker. :-)

My lovely Label Maker:

Example of how I label my travel bottles


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